Saturday, 24 January 2009

Reading Room Film Club

Friday 30th January.

Doors open 7:00pm. Film starts 7:30pm.


Monday, 12 January 2009

Parish Council News

Dog Fouling.

This continues to be a problem in the village. The main areas reported by residents are – the back of Castle View, particularly next to 37 Castle View, the foot bridge across the river, the paths in front of the shop and West Road . The Tynedale Council dog warden has been informed and he is to visit the village and find out where the reported areas are. Hopefully he will then patrol the area to catch the dog owners concerned.

Laurel Bushes at Reading Room.

These were planted many years ago by the Reading Room . They have become overgrown and will eventually be a problem to traffic at the bridge entrance if they are not cut back. This is not Parish Council land therefore they are reluctant to pay for the pruning of the bushes. Tynedale Council have been asked to cut the bushes back as it is Highways land .

Church Yard Wall.

The clerk received a letter and photographs pointing out the poor state of the church yard wall where the old bus stop used to be. A large hole has formed at the base of the wall. This information has been passed on to Tynedale Council.


This was discussed in detail at the last meeting and Councillors present decided the Precept would stay the same as last year at £15 000.


Ian Hodge from the Environment Agency will attend the January Parish Council Meeting . Residents will be informed of this meeting. He will talk about how the environment agency deals with the problem of flooding and will then try to answer questions and concerns from the general public.